Cecille Marcato's Fundraiser

Even a first draft can make a difference!
Please help me meet my goal for Tupelo! No donation's too small, unless it's none at all!
If you're here, you know me already! Maybe you've only read letters or emails in the past, so here is an opportunity to check out some (really) rough drafts of poems as you retrieve a credit card with some room on it for Tupelo Press. Published work has appeared or is upcoming in Leon Literary Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, counterclaim, Sweet: A Literary Confection, Free State Review, Husk, Naugatuck River Review, Solstice, and Slipstream. Some may not know that I went back to study poetry at Austin Community College and the University of Texas in 2015 and in 2019 graduated from the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers -- by far the most challenging educational experience I've ever had (and, as you know, I've been to many schools).
This October, Tupelo Press provides the canvas for me and a fine cohort of other poets on which to write thirty poems in thirty days -- ours to revise and submit to journals as we wish. Since the projects inception, 30/30 poems have been taken by more than 200 literary journals and featured in forty-plus chapbooks.
Your support fuels my volunteer month and will enable Tupelo Press to continue publishing exquisite books that make the world a better place. Seriously. Poetry saves lives.
Please help me help this distinguished press with your gift today.