Andrea Simpson

Andrea Simpson's Fundraiser

My poems can make a difference! image

My poems can make a difference!

Help me meet my goal, please give today.


$410 towards $750

I'm participating in this month's 30/30 project to raise funds for an important non-profit, Tupelo Press. Each dollar you give helps provide space for diverse voices and puts quality books into the hands of readers. In return, Tupelo Press is providing a space for me to showcase a poem of mine a day for the month of June.

Help me to help this distinguished press. Please donate! If you are someone who likes something in return for a donation, I can provide a commissioned poem: elegy, ode, paint sample poem, found poem, etc. Someone suggested sending cookies....but you don't want anything that I cook! My best friend and I once obliterated potatoes that were boiling on the stove because we got so involved in a magnetic poetry creation on the fridge--just cloudy water!