Jessie Lynn McMains's Fundraiser

This April, help support poetry, presses, and poets!
Help me meet my goal by donating today.
I almost always participate in a 30/30 during the month of April—but I don't always post each poem publicly, and the poems I do post wind up on my personal blog. This year, I decided to recommit to my poetry practice and to sharing my 30/30 publicly, and helping Tupelo Press while I'm at it.
This month, I, alongside several other fine poets, am writing thirty poems in thirty days, and sharing them on the Tupelo Press website. After the month is over, these poems are ours to edit and submit as we wish (meaning: they won't be up on the site forever, so read them while they're 'hot off the press!'). We are doing this both to share our own works and practices with the world, and also to ensure Tupelo Press can keep publishing beautiful books featuring an impressive array of diverse poets.
My goal is to raise $350 this month, though any amount beyond that would be even better. I am offering some incentives for those who donate:
- For any donation $10-$35, I will send you a postcard featuring an original tanka (written by me) + my original artwork.
- For any donation $36-50, you will receive the postcard + I will send you a mini-zine/chapbook featuring a selection of my poems from throughout the month.
- For any donation $51 and above, you will receive the postcard, the mini-chap, and you can choose between either having me give feedback on a poem of yours, or writing a poem about a topic of your choice for yourself or a loved one.
Every dollar gives me confidence to write more, and helps the press place more poems in gorgeous books, as well as continue the 30/30 program well into the future. Help me to help this distinguished press, and to recommit to my poetry practice. Give today!