Hannah Fenster

Hannah Fenster's Fundraiser

Process with Purpose image

Process with Purpose

I'm learning to share my work, and looking for your support.


$250 towards $350

Your support gives me vital inspiration as I write for each day in February.

Winter is teaching me to stay quietly in process, and I'm working on sharing that process, like a tree under the soil, to the places where my roots reach (you). Thank you in advance for receiving these very in-process pieces gently.

I'm grateful to align myself with Tupelo Press for this project as it has published the debuts of many poets I admire, and provides connection and support by connecting me to a cohort of other fine poets.

Thank you for your gifts, which affirm growth, sharing, and discovery - perfect for centering during this birth month of mine! As a thank you for gift-giving, I am happy to answer any questions you'd like to ask along with your gift, or respond to requests or suggestions for future poems as best I can.