Otis Rubottom

Otis Rubottom's Fundraiser

The shortest distance between two people is a good story image

The shortest distance between two people is a good story

Donate to help me reach my goal!


$275 towards $350

I'm writing a poem every day this month. 30 days of new work! I'm hoping to find inspiration in the work, and in connecting with people who read. Your support is a huge part of that inspiration.

Tupelo Press provides the canvas; I bring my words, accompanied by a cohort of fine poets, writing thirty poems in thirty days. It's an impressive effort! The poems from the 30/30 project have been featured in over 200 journals and appeared in over 40 published chapbooks, all so Tupelo Press can keep publishing powerful, diverse voices that might never be heard otherwise.

Every dollar raised pours a little more fuel on the writing fire! As well as helping Tupelo place more poems in gorgeous books. Help me to help this distinguished press! Give today!