Jen Kanke

Jen Kanke's Fundraiser

Poems for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month image

Poems for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

In support of Tupelo Press and their mission to discover and publish works of poetry, literary fiction, and creative nonfiction by emerging and established writers.


$820 towards $350

In May of 2019, I was diagnosed with stage 2A ovarian cancer and went through chemotherapy from June through September of that year. I find it difficult to write about, but also feel compelled to do it. Breast cancer gets a lot of attention, ovarian cancer not so much. Each day this month I'll be writing a poem about a different woman who has had ovarian cancer. The poems won't necessarily be about their cancer, as a matter of fact, they probably won't even mention it. I just want to honor these women who went through something similar to what I went through (though every cancer is different, as they remind you over and over again while you're going through treatment). The 30/30 Project is giving me that nudge I need to work on these poems, and for that I'm very grateful. I'd be very grateful to you if you'd give a donation, however big or small, to Tupelo Press to cheer me on as I work on these poems. If you donate and don't yet have a copy of my 2019 zine from Rinky Dink Press or my self-published one from 2022 (both about different aspects of cancer treatment and healing), let me know and I'd be happy to get one to you as a thank you.

Do you know of a woman who has had ovarian cancer that you'd like me to write a poem in honor of? Let me know and I'll do my best.