Tracey Knapp's Fundraiser
Help my poems help a great non-profit press!
I'm writing a poem every day in the month of May. See? That's a poem. Support me by supporting Tupelo Press!
Tracey Knapp's first full-length collection of poems, Mouth, won the 42 Miles Press Poetry Award and was published in 2015. Tracey has received awards and scholarships from La Romita School of Art in Terni, Italy, the Tin House Writers’ Workshop, and the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fund. Her work has been anthologized in Best New Poets, The Cento: A Collection of Collage Poems, and has appeared in Poetry Daily, Rattle, Five Points, On the Seawall, San Diego Poetry Annual and elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Hi Friends!
Your support gives me vital inspiration as I write for thirty days this month.
Tupelo Press provides the canvas; I bring my words, accompanied by a cohort of fine poets, writing thirty poems in thirty days, all ours to edit and submit as we wish. 30/30 poems have been taken by over 200 journals and featured in over 40 published chapbooks, all so Tupelo Press can keep publishing exquisite and diverse voices that might never be heard otherwise.
Every dollar gives me confidence to write more, and helps the press place more poems in gorgeous books. Help me to help this distinguished press. Please support me and Tupelo Press today!