Josette Akresh-Gonzales's Fundraiser

Contribute! To! Poetry!
To support indie lit, please give today.
Tupelo Press has given me the opportunity to write a poem a day for 30 days. By the end of May, I will have written 30 new poems!
This project serves a dual purpose: (1) to inspire the production of so much new work knowing it will appear in print almost immediately – and distributed to a global audience, and (2) drum up funds to Tupelo, which strives to keep the arts alive, poetry, specifically — poetry is a fragile enterprise.
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I'm asking for YOUR support. You can sponsor me at any level you'd like — 50 cents a poem ($15 total) or $1 a poem ($30) OR you can sponsor a SPECIFIC poem or ode on a particular theme that I will dedicate to you for a donation of $100!
This money is a donation to Tupelo Press which sponsors this unique opportunity for poets. The poets I know to have done it in the past have found the whole month inspiring and an exceptional boost to them personally and professionally.
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I hope that this daily deadline and publishing of these drafts will push me even further in my own writing and publishing career.
May is a month of new buds, seeds in the ground, and increasing sunshine, so it seems a perfect time for me to do this!
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Thanks for supporting Tupelo Press in its support of me!
A donation of any amount helps support nonprofit literary publishing, so that Tupelo Press can keep publishing exquisite and diverse voices that might never be heard otherwise.
❤️ Josette