Ellen Ferguson

Ellen Ferguson's Fundraiser

It's April! Do You Know Where Your Poems Are? image

It's April! Do You Know Where Your Poems Are?

Support Independent Publishing By Stopping By Each Day to Read a Poem about a Different Movie or TV Show!


$350 towards $350

Wondering what to watch? Wondering whether any movies or shows are truly poetic in nature?

Stop by this page every day in the month of April to view a Poetic TV Guide. We think you will be pleased to find some poetic viewing suggestions right here.

Of course reading is one of the great free pleasures in life. If you just love spending money, though, consider the cost of that iced coffee and maybe you will want to toss some spare change towards Tupelo Press's icy fresh dare to poets to write a poem a day. All money goes to the publishing house, a spicy daredevil who challenges all of us to think for ourselves.

Think we can't write a poem about about a movie or tv show every day and have them come out any good? Well, you are probably right. But, what if you are wrong? How many poems does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop, anyway?