Laura Anne

Laura Anne's Fundraiser

Government BS Isn’t the Only Creative Writing I Do   image

Government BS Isn’t the Only Creative Writing I Do


$50 towards $300

My cousin started doing a piece of art a day - I’ve been inspired but lazy about following her lead. So Tupelo gave me the proverbial kick in the pants to try this for at least 30 days as a start. Check out my work and others here:

Tupelo Press provides the platform and the social pressure - your honest feedback keeps this from being my own personal echo chamber in my head

The small $ you may be inclined to give helps Tupelo Press keep publishing exquisite and diverse voices that might never be heard otherwise. (But seriously, not until you’ve donated to help a progressive candidate and shelter pets first!)

Plus you might provoke me to keep going....

Photo credit: Kellette Elliott (Instagram: KelletteWorks)