Doug Rutledge's Fundraiser
My poems can make a difference!
Help me meet my goal, please give today.
Poet Bio: Doug Rutledge holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and an MFA from Ashland University. He is the editor of Ceremony and Text in the Renaissance, the University of Delaware Press and the author of The Somali Diaspora: A Journey Away, the University of Minnesota Press. His poetry and reviews have appeared in Chautauqua Literary Journal, River Teeth, Rattle, Asheville Poetry Review, The Journal, Quiddity International Literary Journal, Third Coast, Southwestern American Literature, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Common Ground Review, Southern Humanities Review, the Jabberwock Review, Lumina and the Harvard Review online.
Your support gives me vital inspiration as I write for thirty days this month.
Tupelo Press provides the canvas, I bring my words, accompanied by other fine poets, writing thirty poems in thirty days, all ours to edit and submit as we wish. 30/30 poems have been taken by over 90 journals and featured in over 40 published chapbooks, all so Tupelo Press can keep publishing exquisite and diverse voices that might never be heard otherwise.
Every dollar gives me confidence to write more, and helps the press place more poems in gorgeous books. Help me to help this distinguished press. Give today!