Liza Katz

Liza Katz's Fundraiser

Please join me - support independent literature! image

Please join me - support independent literature!

Help me meet my goal, please give today.


$270 towards $350

Poet Bio: Liza Katz's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry Northwest, The Cortland Review, Vinyl, Poet Lore, Omniverse, The Cumberland River Review, The Battersea Review, and elsewhere. She teaches English as a Second Language in Perth Amboy, New Jersey.

The free and independent press is so important, in these times more than ever. I'm thrilled to be supporting the amazing Tupelo Press by participating in their 30 Poems in 30 Days fundraising challenge. Tupelo publishes beautiful books and even runs a writing center for teens---something particularly close to my heart as a high school teacher.

If you can, please contribute. Even $5 could put one of these fine books in someone's hands. Thank you!

Here's an explanation of the fundraiser from Tupelo:

Your support gives me vital inspiration as I write for thirty days this month.

Tupelo Press provides the canvas, I bring my words, accompanied by other fine poets, writing thirty poems in thirty days, all ours to edit and submit as we wish. 30/30 poems have been taken by over 90 journals and featured in over 40 published chapbooks, all so Tupelo Press can keep publishing exquisite and diverse voices that might never be heard otherwise.

Every dollar gives me confidence to write more, and helps the press place more poems in gorgeous books. Help me to help this distinguished press. Give today!