Gordon Adams's Fundraiser

My poems can make a difference!
Help me meet my goal, please give today.
In my poetry I try to connect the soul to life, whether I am writing in a political vein,
personal vein, or simply portraying beauty. Poetry is personal for me; I reach into
mystery with words and pull back the curtain (just a bit).
I am a performer, poet, and political activist living in Brunswick, Maine. I lived 50 years
in NYC and Washington, DC, and was a national security professional (Clinton White
House 1993-97 doing national security budgets), researcher (founded a think tank), and
professor (George Washington University, American University.) I am an active stage
performer, having appeared in more than 30 shows in DC and now in Maine, including
playing Lear (King Lear) and Hamm (Beckett’s Endgame).
I have been writing poetry for more than 20 years, some of it published on-line. I did the
30/30 in March 2020 and found it a huge boost to my writing. I am thrilled to be doing it
again. And equally thrilled to work with Tupelo Press, which has published some of the
finest poets around today, poets like Maggie Smith and Ilya Kaminsky who is being
honored this year with the Anisfield-Wolf Award.
For the 30/30 project, Tupelo Press provides the canvas, I bring my words,
accompanied by other fine poets, writing thirty poems in thirty days, all ours to edit and
submit as we wish. 30/30 poems have been taken by over 90 journals and featured in
over 40 published chapbooks, all so Tupelo Press can keep publishing exquisite and
diverse voices that might never be heard otherwise.
I hope you will all want to contribute to keep 30/30 and Tupelo doing their great work for
the arts. Arts have suffered, like so many, in the past year. As a stage performer, I can
tell you venues just dried up and we scratch for Zoom possibilities.
Every dollar gives me confidence to write more, and helps the press place more poems
in gorgeous books. Help me to help this distinguished press. Give today!