B. Fulton Jennes

B. Fulton Jennes's Fundraiser

Help keep the voice of small-press poetry vibrant! image

Help keep the voice of small-press poetry vibrant!

I'll write 30 poems in 30 days - can you be one of 30 people to give $15.00 to help me meet my goal?


$670 towards $500

In March of 2019, I joined forces with a dozen other poets to accept the challenge of writing 30 poems in 30 days in an all-out effort to support the Tupelo Press - one of the finest small, independent publishers of poetry today. That time around, my friends and family donated over $1000 to help refill Tupelo's financial well.

Writing a poem a day is no small feat, but several fellow poets and I have picked up the fundraising gauntlet for the month of December 2020, knowing as we do that the pandemic has been as hard on small presses as it's been on so many other essential (yes! the arts are essential!) businesses.

Can you help me raise $500 to help keep the voice of small-press poetry vibrant? If 30 poetry enthusiasts contribute just $15.00 (I'm planting the seed with $50), I'll reach my fundraising goal of $500.

You'll also be helping me keep MY poetic voice vibrant! I'm working on a new collection of poems, and the pandemic, the election, the power-grab for the Supreme Court, the widespread violation of basic human rights (especially those of Black Americans), and the destruction of our natural environment have preyed heavily on my energy reserves as they have, no doubt, on yours. Working toward this firm goal - and sharing my progress with you each day - will light a fire under my urgency to speak.

Thank you in advance for whatever contribution you find fitting in these turbulent times. Let's lean toward hope that the arts and democracy will thrive in the months and years to come.

Stay well,
