Kylie Gellatly's Fundraiser

Kylie Gellatly on Tupelo Press' 30/30 Project
Supporting independent presses at a time when we need them most
* * * https://www.tupelopress.org/the-3030-project-june-20/ * * *
With all that is going on in the world, now seems to be a particularly poignant time for constant creativity — as a way of engaging with the world around and orienting ourselves into it. Throughout this entire month and project, I will also be preparing for a big change and packing up my home and life in Vermont. As my days will consist of poetry and packing, I recognize that writing a poem to mark each of my last thirty days here, will be the most intimate departure of a place that I have experienced in my life. The most important part to me, however, is the opportunity to share with all of you and to allow my poetry to rise to the greater mission of Tupelo Press.
The poetry that is occupying my days, and that you will see through the month, is part of a larger project called The Fever Poems, which uses a practice that I refer to as writing with a knife. This process is a way for me to express my transition from butcher to poet. I now find myself butchering books as a way to make poetry.
By presenting us poets on their website and stimulating our creative output, Tupelo exemplifies its vital part in the literary community. As a participant and supporter, I encourage friends and family, followers and supporters, to consider donating to Tupelo, for small independent presses rely on these very relationships in order to continue and inspire a legacy in the world of poetry. Many of the books that Tupelo has published have shaped me as a poet or inspired me to push harder, explore deeper. Their books and publications are a tour de force in the literary community and the work they do is a blessing to us poets and readers alike. I am honored to be a part of their initiative.
In exchange for your donations, I will be offering these gifts to show my gratitude:
Donors of $20+ will receive an originaI piece of artwork that these poems are being born from (see cover photo or video below)
Donors of $20- will receive a handmade thank-you card in the mail
Stay tuned for updates & watch for a poem from me EVERY DAY OF JUNE!!! Where you will find the poems:
IG: @kyliegolightly
FB: https://www.facebook.com/doctorkquinn
If you are interested in checking out more from Tupelo Press, the following titles are ones that I recommend in the highest and urge you to consider ordering from their website www.tupelopress.org
Marvels of the Invisible by Jenny Molberg
Dancing in Odessa by Ilya Kaminsky
Gossip and Metaphysics: Russian Modernist Poems and Prose edited by Ilya Kaminsky, Katie Ferris, and Valzhyna Mort
feast gently by G.C. Waldrep
Kill Class by Nomi Stone
Fountain and Furnace by Hadara Bar-Nadav
ABOUT ME: Kylie Gellatly is a poet living in Northern Vermont and a Frances Perkins Scholar at Mount Holyoke College. She was a participant in Tupelo Press’ 30/30 Project and her poetry is forthcoming in Malasaña Magazine. Kylie’s book reviews and interviews have appeared in The Rumpus, Adroit Journal, Green Mountains Review, and Pleiades. She is Book Reviews Editor and Editorial Assistant for Green Mountains Review, as well as a poetry reader for Pleiades and Anhinga Press. Kylie has been awarded the Factory Hollow Press Scholarship to the Juniper Writing Institute for and two fellowships to the Vermont Studio Center.